Sel 2506
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Sel2506 Teleprotection Unit - Sel2506 Teleprotection
Sel 2506 Koruma Cihazı(SEL-2506 Remote I/O Module)
154 kV şalt merkezlerinin Mesafe Koruma Rölelerini haberleştirmek için kullanılan bir Teleprotection koruma sistemi cihazıdır. Sel2506 hem OPGW fiber üzerinden hem de RS-232 port üzerinden haberleşir.Sel2506 Teleprotection toplamda 8 input, 8 output kapasitesi vardır. Sel-2506-Teleprotection-ünitesi ürünü OPGW fiberden haberleştirmek için 1 adet Sel2830 fiber modüle ihtiyaç vardır.SEL2506 Teleprotection unitesi ürün hakkında detaylı bilgi almak için bizimle irtibat kurunuz veya ürünün detaylı açıklamaları için SEL2506 PDF aşağıdaki linki tıklayınız.

Features, Benefits, and Applications
SEL2506 Teleprotection Unit
The SEL-2506 is a two rack unit remote I/O module that has eight contact inputs and eight contact outputs. The status of these inputs and outputs is communicated between the SEL-2506 and a host device using MIRRORED BITS® Communications over a serial or fiber-optic port. Each contact input controls one of the eight MIRRORED BITS transmit bits, while each of the eight received MIRRORED BITS controls a contact output. Use the transmitted contact input status for control indication of a remote device.
➤ Communications Flexibility helps you simplify and improve existing or new installations.
➢ Add simple pilot communications to existing two- or three-terminal line applications.
➢ Isolate relay and breaker dc supplies for breaker failure trip distribution schemes.
➢ Annunciate the status of remote contacts.
➤ Rack Mount with a compact two rack unit chassis.
➤ Self-Testing increases reliability of auxiliary relay functions.
➤ Simple Status Diagnostics consist of 22 LEDs that indicate contact input, output, channel, and device status.
➤ Improve Reliability through increased scheme security reliability with channel monitoring and alarm output.
➤ User Configurable Labels allow clear indication of system function and status.
➤ Fast Operating Speed is comparable with high-speed teleprotection equipment.
➤ Connectorized® Terminal Blocks offer ease of service.
➤ Increased Safety is provided through fiber-optic isolation when equipped with fiber-optic communications.
➤ Two Serial Interface Options: Fiber optic for superior COM insulation or EIA-232 for convenient connection to a relay.
➤ Two Contact Output Options: Conventional Form C or high-speed contact outputs.